Selected Lab Publications

Click here for a complete list of PubMed publications:


Yeh I, Bastian BC.
Melanoma pathology: new approaches and classification.
British Journal of Dermatology, 2021

Roy SF, Bastian BC, Maguiness S, Giubellino A, Vemula SS, McCalmont TH, Yeh I.
Multiple desmoplastic Spitz nevi with BRAF fusions in a patient with ring chromosome 7 syndrome.
Pigment Cell Melanoma Research, 2021

Ma J, Weng L, Bastian BC, Chen X. 
Functional characterization of uveal melanoma oncogenes.
Oncogene, 2021

Tang J, Fewings E, Chang D, Zeng H, Liu S, Jorapur A, Belote RL, McNeal AS, Tan TM, Yeh I, Arron ST, Judson-Torres RL, Bastian BC, Shain AH.
The genomic landscapes of individual melanocytes from human skin.
Nature, 2020

Raghavan SS, Kapler ES, Dinges MM, Bastian BC, Yeh I.
Eruptive Spitz nevus, a striking example of benign metastasis.
Science Reports, 2020

de la Fouchardière A, Tee MK, Peternel S, Valdebran M, Pissaloux D, Tirode F, Busam KJ, LeBoit PE, McCalmont TH, Bastian BC, Yeh I.
Fusion partners of NTRK3 affect subcellular localization of the fusion kinase and cytomorphology of melanocytes.
Modern Pathology, 2020

Watkins TBK, Lim EL, Petkovic M, Elizalde S, Birkbak NJ, Wilson GA, Moore DA, Grönroos E, Rowan A, Dewhurst SM, Demeulemeester J, Dentro SC, Horswell S, Au L, Haase K, Escudero M, Rosenthal R, Bakir MA, Xu H, Litchfield K, Lu WT, Mourikis TP, Dietzen M, Spain L, Cresswell GD, Biswas D, Lamy P, Nordentoft I, Harbst K, Castro-Giner F, Yates LR, Caramia F, Jaulin F, Vicier C, Tomlinson IPM, Brastianos PK, Cho RJ, Bastian BC, Dyrskjøt L, Jönsson GB, Savas P, Loi S, Campbell PJ, Andre F, Luscombe NM, Steeghs N, Tjan-Heijnen VCG, Szallasi Z, Turajlic S, Jamal-Hanjani M, Van Loo P, Bakhoum SF, Schwarz RF, McGranahan N, Swanton C.
Pervasive chromosomal instability and karyotype order in tumour evolution.
Nature, 2020

Elder DE, Bastian BC, Cree IA, Massi D, Scolyer RA
The 2018 World Health Organization Classification of Cutaneous, Mucosal, and Uveal Melanoma: Detailed Analysis of 9 Distinct Subtypes Defined by Their Evolutionary Pathway.
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, 2020

Lee HJ, Pham T, Chang MT, Barnes D, Cai AG, Noubade R, Totpal K, Chen X, Tran C, Hagenbeek T, Wu X, Eastham-Anderson J, Tao J, Lee W, Bastian BC, Carbone M, Webster JD, Dey A.
The Tumor Suppressor BAP1 Regulates the Hippo Pathway in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.
Cancer Research, 2020

Raghavan SS, Peternel S, Mully TW, North JP, Pincus LB, LeBoit PE, McCalmont TH, Bastian BC, Yeh I.
Spitz melanoma is a distinct subset of spitzoid melanoma.
Modern Pathology, 2020

Houlier A, Pissaloux D, Masse I, Tirode F, Karanian M, Pincus LB, McCalmont TH, LeBoit PE, Bastian BC, Yeh I, de la Fouchardière A.
Melanocytic tumors with MAP3K8 fusions: report of 33 cases with morphological-genetic correlations.
Modern Pathology, 2020

Torres R, Lang UE, Hejna M, Shelton SJ, Joseph NM, Shain AH, Yeh I, Wei ML, Oldham MC, Bastian BC, Judson-Torres RL.
MicroRNA Ratios Distinguish Melanomas from Nevi.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2020

Botton T, Talevich E, Mishra VK, Zhang T, Shain AH, Berquet C, Gagnon A, Judson RL, Ballotti R, Ribas A, Herlyn M, Rocchi S, Brown KM, Hayward NK, Yeh I, Bastian BC.
Genetic Heterogeneity of BRAF Fusion Kinases in Melanoma Affects Drug Responses.
Cell Reports, 2019

Newell F, Kong Y, Wilmott JS, Johansson PA, Ferguson PM, Cui C, Li Z, Kazakoff SH, Burke H, Dodds TJ, Patch AM, Nones K, Tembe V, Shang P, van der Weyden L, Wong K, Holmes O, Lo S, Leonard C, Wood S, Xu Q, Rawson RV, Mukhopadhyay P, Dummer R, Levesque MP, Jönsson G, Wang X, Yeh I, Wu H, Joseph N, Bastian BC, Long GV, Spillane AJ, Shannon KF, Thompson JF, Saw RPM, Adams DJ, Si L, Pearson JV, Hayward NK, Waddell N, Mann GJ, Guo J, Scolyer RA.
Whole-genome landscape of mucosal melanoma reveals diverse drivers and therapeutic targets.
Nature Communications, 2019

Shain AH, Bagger MM, Yu R, Chang D, Liu S, Vemula S, Weier JF, Wadt K, Heegaard S, Bastian BC, Kiilgaard JF.
The genetic evolution of metastatic uveal melanoma.
Nature Genetics, 2019

Afshar AR, Damato BE, Stewart JM, Zablotska LB, Roy R, Olshen AB, Joseph NM, Bastian BC.
Next-Generation Sequencing of Uveal Melanoma for Detection of Genetic Alterations Predicting Metastasis.
Translational Vision Science and Technology, 2019

Burbidge TE, Bastian BC, Guo D, Li H, Morris DG, Monzon JG, Leung G, Yang H, Cheng T.
Association of Indoor Tanning Exposure With Age at Melanoma Diagnosis and BRAF V600E Mutations.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2019

Yeh I, Busam KJ, McCalmont TH, LeBoit PE, Pissaloux D, Alberti L, de la Fouchardière A, Bastian BC.
Filigree-like Rete Ridges, Lobulated Nests, Rosette-like Structures, and Exaggerated Maturation Characterize Spitz Tumors With NTRK1 Fusion.
American Journal of Surgical Pathology. 2019

Wong K, van der Weyden L, Schott CR, Foote A, Constantino-Casas F, Smith S, Dobson JM, Murchison EP, Wu H, Yeh I, Fullen DR, Joseph N, Bastian BC, Patel RM, Martincorena I, Robles-Espinoza CD, Iyer V, Kuijjer ML, Arends MJ, Brenn T, Harms PW, Wood GA, Adams DJ.
Cross-species genomic landscape comparison of human mucosal melanoma with canine oral and equine melanoma.
Nature Communications, 2019

Yeh I, Jorgenson E, Shen L, Xu M, North JP, Shain AH, Reuss D, Wu H, Robinson WA, Olshen A, von Deimling A, Kwok PY, Bastian BC, Asgari MM.
Targeted Genomic Profiling of Acral Melanoma.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2019

Webster JD, Pham TH, Wu X, Hughes NW, Li Z, Totpal K, Lee HJ, Calses PC, Chaurushiya MS, Stawiski EW, Modrusan Z, Chang MT, Tran C, Lee WP, Chalasani S, Hung J, Sharma N, Chan S, Hotzel K, Talevich E, Shain A, Xu M, Lill J, Dixit VM, Bastian BC, Dey A.
The tumor suppressor BAP1 cooperates with BRAFV600E to promote tumor formation in cutaneous melanoma.
Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 2019

Ablain J, Xu M, Rothschild H, Jordan RC, Mito JK, Daniels BH, Bell CF, Joseph NM, Wu H, Bastian BC, Zon LI, Yeh I.
Human tumor genomics and zebrafish modeling identify SPRED1 loss as a driver of mucosal melanoma.
Science, 2018

Zeng H, Jorapur A, Shain AH, Lang UE, Torres R, Zhang Y, McNeal AS, Botton T, Lin J, Donne M, Bastian IN, Yu R, North JP, Pincus L, Ruben BS, Joseph NM, Yeh I, Bastian BC, Judson RL.
Bi-allelic Loss of CDKN2A Initiates Melanoma Invasion via BRN2 Activation.
Cancer Cell, 2018

Shain AH, Joseph NM, Yu R, Benhamida J, Liu S, Prow T, Ruben B, North J, Pincus L, Yeh I, Judson R, Bastian BC.
Genomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals Incremental Disruption of Key Signaling Pathways during Melanoma Evolution.
Cancer Cell, 2018

Goode B, Joseph NM, Stevers M, Van Ziffle J, Onodera C, Talevich E, Grenert JP, Yeh I, Bastian BC, Phillips JJ, Garg K, Rabban JT, Zaloudek C, Solomon DA
Adenomatoid tumors of the male and female genital tract are defined by TRAF7 mutations that drive aberrant NF-kB pathway activation.
Modern Pathology: An Official Journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc, 2017

Yeh I, Lang UE, Durieux E, Tee MK, Jorapur A, Shain AH, Haddad V, Pissaloux D, Chen X, Cerroni L, Judson RL, LeBoit PE, McCalmont TH, Bastian BC, de la Fouchardière A
Combined activation of MAP kinase pathway and ß-catenin signaling cause deep penetrating nevi.
Nature Communications, 2017

Chiba K, Lorbeer FK, Shain AH, McSwiggen DT, Schruf E, Oh A, Ryu J, Darzacq X, Bastian BC, Hockemeyer D
Mutations in the promoter of the telomerase gene TERT contribute to tumorigenesis by a two-step mechanism.
Science (New York, N.Y.), 2017

Chen X, Wu Q, Depeille P, Chen P, Thornton S, Kalirai H, Coupland SE, Roose JP, Bastian BC
RasGRP3 Mediates MAPK Pathway Activation in GNAQ Mutant Uveal Melanoma.
Cancer Cell, 2017

Yeh I, Tee MK, Botton T, Shain AH, Sparatta AJ, Gagnon A, Vemula SS, Garrido MC, Nakamaru K, Isoyama T, McCalmont TH, LeBoit PE, Bastian BC
NTRK3 kinase fusions in Spitz tumours.
The Journal of Pathology, 2016

Shain AH, Bastian BC
From melanocytes to melanomas.
Nature Reviews. Cancer, 2016

Talevich E, Shain AH, Botton T, Bastian BC
CNVkit: Genome-Wide Copy Number Detection and Visualization from Targeted DNA Sequencing.
PLoS computational biology, 2016

Shain AH, Yeh I, Kovalyshyn I, Sriharan A, Talevich E, Gagnon A, Dummer R, North J, Pincus L, Ruben B, Rickaby W, D'Arrigo C, Robson A, Bastian BC
The Genetic Evolution of Melanoma from Precursor Lesions.
The New England journal of medicine, 2015

Shain AH, Garrido M, Botton T, Talevich E, Yeh I, Sanborn JZ, Chung J, Wang NJ, Kakavand H, Mann GJ, Thompson JF, Wiesner T, Roy R, Olshen AB, Gagnon A, Gray JW, Huh N, Hur JS, Busam KJ, Scolyer RA, Cho RJ, Murali R, Bastian BC
Exome sequencing of desmoplastic melanoma identifies recurrent NFKBIE promoter mutations and diverse activating mutations in the MAPK pathway.
Nature Genetics, 2015

Sanborn JZ, Chung J, Purdom E, Wang NJ, Kakavand H, Wilmott JS, Butler T, Thompson JF, Mann GJ, Haydu LE, Saw RP, Busam KJ, Lo RS, Collisson EA, Hur JS, Spellman PT, Cleaver JE, Gray JW, Huh N, Murali R, Scolyer RA, Bastian BC, Cho RJ
Phylogenetic analyses of melanoma reveal complex patterns of metastatic dissemination.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015

Menzies AM, Yeh I, Botton T, Bastian BC, Scolyer RA, Long GV
Clinical activity of the MEK inhibitor trametinib in metastatic melanoma containing BRAF kinase fusion.
Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 2015

Yeh I, Botton T, Talevich E, Shain AH, Sparatta AJ, de la Fouchardiere A, Mully TW, North JP, Garrido MC, Gagnon A, Vemula SS, McCalmont TH, LeBoit PE, Bastian BC
Activating MET kinase rearrangements in melanoma and Spitz tumours.
Nature Communications, 2015

Yeh I, de la Fouchardiere A, Pissaloux D, Mully TW, Garrido MC, Vemula SS, Busam KJ, LeBoit PE, McCalmont TH, Bastian BC
Clinical, histopathologic, and genomic features of Spitz tumors with ALK fusions.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2015

Carvajal RD, Lawrence DP, Weber JS, Gajewski TF, Gonzalez R, Lutzky J, O'Day SJ, Hamid O, Wolchok JD, Chapman PB, Sullivan RJ, Teitcher JB, Ramaiya N, Giobbie-Hurder A, Antonescu CR, Heinrich MC, Bastian BC, Corless CL, Fletcher JA, Hodi FS
Phase II Study of Nilotinib in Melanoma Harboring KIT Alterations Following Progression to Prior KIT Inhibition.
Clinical Cancer Research: An Official Journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2015

Yeh I, Mully TW, Wiesner T, Vemula SS, Mirza SA, Sparatta AJ, McCalmont TH, Bastian BC, LeBoit PE
Ambiguous melanocytic tumors with loss of 3p21.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2014

North JP, Garrido MC, Kolaitis NA, LeBoit PE, McCalmont TH, Bastian BC
Fluorescence in situ hybridization as an ancillary tool in the diagnosis of ambiguous melanocytic neoplasms: a review of 804 cases.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2014

Yu FX, Luo J, Mo JS, Liu G, Kim YC, Meng Z, Zhao L, Peyman G, Ouyang H, Jiang W, Zhao J, Chen X, Zhang L, Wang CY, Bastian BC, Zhang K, Guan KL
Mutant Gq/11 promote uveal melanoma tumorigenesis by activating YAP.
Cancer Cell, 2014

Menzel M, Meckbach D, Weide B, Toussaint NC, Schilbach K, Noor S, Eigentler T, Ikenberg K, Busch C, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Kohlhofer U, Göke A, Göke F, Handgretinger R, Ottmann C, Bastian BC, Garbe C, Röcken M, Perner S, Kohlbacher O, Bauer J
In melanoma, Hippo signaling is affected by copy number alterations and YAP1 overexpression impairs patient survival.
Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 2014

Bastian BC
The molecular pathology of melanoma: an integrated taxonomy of melanocytic neoplasia.
Annual Review of Pathology, 2014

Wiesner T, He J, Yelensky R, Esteve-Puig R, Botton T, Yeh I, Lipson D, Otto G, Brennan K, Murali R, Garrido M, Miller VA, Ross JS, Berger MF, Sparatta A, Palmedo G, Cerroni L, Busam KJ, Kutzner H, Cronin MT, Stephens PJ, Bastian BC
Kinase fusions are frequent in Spitz tumours and spitzoid melanomas.
Nature Communications, 2014

Chen X, Wu Q, Tan L, Porter D, Jager MJ, Emery C, Bastian BC
Combined PKC and MEK inhibition in uveal melanoma with GNAQ and GNA11 mutations.
Oncogene, 2013

Botton T, Yeh I, Nelson T, Vemula SS, Sparatta A, Garrido MC, Allegra M, Rocchi S, Bahadoran P, McCalmont TH, LeBoit PE, Burton EA, Bollag G, Ballotti R, Bastian BC
Recurrent BRAF kinase fusions in melanocytic tumors offer an opportunity for targeted therapy.
Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 2013

Bastian BC, Esteve-Puig R
Targeting activated KIT signaling for melanoma therapy.
Journal of Clinical Oncology: Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2013

Lyons J, Bastian BC, McCormick F
MC1R and cAMP signaling inhibit cdc25B activity and delay cell cycle progression in melanoma cells.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013

Roesch A, Vultur A, Bogeski I, Wang H, Zimmermann KM, Speicher D, Körbel C, Laschke MW, Gimotty PA, Philipp SE, Krause E, Pätzold S, Villanueva J, Krepler C, Fukunaga-Kalabis M, Hoth M, Bastian BC, Vogt T, Herlyn M
Overcoming intrinsic multidrug resistance in melanoma by blocking the mitochondrial respiratory chain of slow-cycling JARID1B(high) cells.
Cancer cell, 2013

Yeh I, von Deimling A, Bastian BC
Clonal BRAF mutations in melanocytic nevi and initiating role of BRAF in melanocytic neoplasia.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2013

Wiesner T, Murali R, Fried I, Cerroni L, Busam K, Kutzner H, Bastian BC
A distinct subset of atypical Spitz tumors is characterized by BRAF mutation and loss of BAP1 expression.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2012

Murali R, Wiesner T, Rosenblum MK, Bastian BC
GNAQ and GNA11 mutations in melanocytomas of the central nervous system.
Acta neuropathologica, 2012

Griewank KG, Yu X, Khalili J, Sozen MM, Stempke-Hale K, Bernatchez C, Wardell S, Bastian BC, Woodman SE
Genetic and molecular characterization of uveal melanoma cell lines.
Pigment cell & melanoma research, 2012

Minor DR, Kashani-Sabet M, Garrido M, O'Day SJ, Hamid O, Bastian BC
Sunitinib therapy for melanoma patients with KIT mutations.
Clinical Cancer Research: An Official Journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2012

Daud A, Bastian BC
Beyond BRAF in melanoma.
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 2012

Jalas JR, Vemula S, Bezrookove V, Leboit PE, Simko JP, Bastian BC
Metastatic melanoma with striking adenocarcinomatous differentiation illustrating phenotypic plasticity in melanoma.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2011

Wiesner T, Obenauf AC, Murali R, Fried I, Griewank KG, Ulz P, Windpassinger C, Wackernagel W, Loy S, Wolf I, Viale A, Lash AE, Pirun M, Socci ND, Rütten A, Palmedo G, Abramson D, Offit K, Ott A, Becker JC, Cerroni L, Kutzner H, Bastian BC, Speicher MR
Germline mutations in BAP1 predispose to melanocytic tumors.
Nature Genetics, 2011

Whiteman DC, Pavan WJ, Bastian BC
The melanomas: a synthesis of epidemiological, clinical, histopathological, genetic, and biological aspects, supporting distinct subtypes, causal pathways, and cells of origin.
Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 2011

Bauer J, Büttner P, Murali R, Okamoto I, Kolaitis NA, Landi MT, Scolyer RA, Bastian BC
BRAF mutations in cutaneous melanoma are independently associated with age, anatomic site of the primary tumor, and the degree of solar elastosis at the primary tumor site.
Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 2011

Broekaert SM, Roy R, Okamoto I, van den Oord J, Bauer J, Garbe C, Barnhill RL, Busam KJ, Cochran AJ, Cook MG, Elder DE, McCarthy SW, Mihm MC, Schadendorf D, Scolyer RA, Spatz A, Bastian BC
Genetic and morphologic features for melanoma classification.
Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research, 2010

Van Raamsdonk CD, Griewank KG, Crosby MB, Garrido MC, Vemula S, Wiesner T, Obenauf AC, Wackernagel W, Green G, Bouvier N, Sozen MM, Baimukanova G, Roy R, Heguy A, Dolgalev I, Khanin R, Busam K, Speicher MR, O'Brien J, Bastian BC
Mutations in GNA11 in uveal melanoma.
The New England journal of medicine, 2010

Dworkin AM, Ridd K, Bautista D, Allain DC, Iwenofu OH, Roy R, Bastian BC, Toland AE
Germline variation controls the architecture of somatic alterations in tumors.
PLoS genetics, 2010

Gerami P, Jewell SS, Morrison LE, Blondin B, Schulz J, Ruffalo T, Matushek P, Legator M, Jacobson K, Dalton SR, Charzan S, Kolaitis NA, Guitart J, Lertsbarapa T, Boone S, LeBoit PE, Bastian BC
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) as an ancillary diagnostic tool in the diagnosis of melanoma.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2009

Van Raamsdonk CD, Bezrookove V, Green G, Bauer J, Gaugler L, O'Brien JM, Simpson EM, Barsh GS, Bastian BC
Frequent somatic mutations of GNAQ in uveal melanoma and blue naevi.
Nature, 2008

Viros A, Fridlyand J, Bauer J, Lasithiotakis K, Garbe C, Pinkel D, Bastian BC
Improving melanoma classification by integrating genetic and morphologic features.
PLoS Medicine, 2008

Lutzky J, Bauer J, Bastian BC
Dose-dependent, complete response to imatinib of a metastatic mucosal melanoma with a K642E KIT mutation.
Pigment cell & melanoma research, 2008

Fargnoli MC, Fargnoli MC, Pike K, Pfeiffer RM, Tsang S, Rozenblum E, Munroe DJ, Golubeva Y, Calista D, Seidenari S, Massi D, Carli P, Bauer J, Elder DE, Bastian BC, Peris K, Landi MT
MC1R variants increase risk of melanomas harboring BRAF mutations.
The Journal of investigative dermatology, 2008

North JP, Kageshita T, Pinkel D, LeBoit PE, Bastian BC
Distribution and significance of occult intraepidermal tumor cells surrounding primary melanoma.
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2008

Delmas V, Beermann F, Martinozzi S, Carreira S, Ackermann J, Kumasaka M, Denat L, Goodall J, Luciani F, Viros A, Demirkan N, Bastian BC, Goding CR, Larue L
Beta-catenin induces immortalization of melanocytes by suppressing p16INK4a expression and cooperates with N-Ras in melanoma development.
Genes and Development, 2007

Kebebew E, Weng J, Bauer J, Ranvier G, Clark OH, Duh QY, Shibru D, Bastian B, Griffin A
The prevalence and prognostic value of BRAF mutation in thyroid cancer.
Annals of Surgery, 2007

Dumaz N, Hayward R, Martin J, Ogilvie L, Hedley D, Curtin JA, Bastian BC, Springer C, Marais R
In melanoma, RAS mutations are accompanied by switching signaling from BRAF to CRAF and disrupted cyclic AMP signaling.
Cancer research, 2006

Denoyelle C, Abou-Rjaily G, Bezrookove V, Verhaegen M, Johnson TM, Fullen DR, Pointer JN, Gruber SB, Su LD, Nikiforov MA, Kaufman RJ, Bastian BC, Soengas MS
Anti-oncogenic role of the endoplasmic reticulum differentially activated by mutations in the MAPK pathway.
Nature Cell Biology, 2006

Curtin JA, Busam K, Pinkel D, Bastian BC
Somatic activation of KIT in distinct subtypes of melanoma.
Journal of Clinical Oncology: Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2006

Bauer J, Curtin JA, Pinkel D, Bastian BC
Congenital melanocytic nevi frequently harbor NRAS mutations but no BRAF mutations.
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2006

Landi MT, Bauer J, Pfeiffer RM, Elder DE, Hulley B, Minghetti P, Calista D, Kanetsky PA, Pinkel D, Bastian BC
MC1R germline variants confer risk for BRAF-mutant melanoma.
Science, 2006

Curtin JA, Stark MS, Pinkel D, Hayward NK, Bastian BC
PI3-kinase subunits are infrequent somatic targets in melanoma.
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2006

Bauer J, Bastian BC
Distinguishing melanocytic nevi from melanoma by DNA copy number changes: comparative genomic hybridization as a research and diagnostic tool.
Dermatologic Therapy, 2006

Curtin JA, Fridlyand J, Kageshita T, Patel HN, Busam KJ, Kutzner H, Cho KH, Aiba S, Bröcker EB, LeBoit PE, Pinkel D, Bastian BC
Distinct sets of genetic alterations in melanoma.
The New England Journal of Medicine, 2005

Maize JC, McCalmont TH, Carlson JA, Busam KJ, Kutzner H, Bastian BC
Genomic analysis of blue nevi and related dermal melanocytic proliferations.
The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 2005

Maldonado JL, Timmerman L, Fridlyand J, Bastian BC
Mechanisms of cell-cycle arrest in Spitz nevi with constitutive activation of the MAP-kinase pathway.
The American Journal of Pathology, 2004

Maldonado JL, Fridlyand J, Patel H, Jain AN, Busam K, Kageshita T, Ono T, Albertson DG, Pinkel D, Bastian BC
Determinants of BRAF mutations in primary melanomas.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2003

Bastian BC, Olshen AB, LeBoit PE, Pinkel D
Classifying melanocytic tumors based on DNA copy number changes.
The American Journal of Pathology, 2003

Bastian BC
Hypothesis: a role for telomere crisis in spontaneous regression of melanoma.
Archives of Dermatology, 2003

Bastian BC, Xiong J, Frieden IJ, Williams ML, Chou P, Busam K, Pinkel D, LeBoit PE
Genetic changes in neoplasms arising in congenital melanocytic nevi: differences between nodular proliferations and melanomas.
The American Journal of Pathology, 2002

Sauter ER, Yeo UC, von Stemm A, Zhu W, Litwin S, Tichansky DS, Pistritto G, Nesbit M, Pinkel D, Herlyn M, Bastian BC
Cyclin D1 is a candidate oncogene in cutaneous melanoma.
Cancer Research, 2002

You MJ, Castrillon DH, Bastian BC, O'Hagan RC, Bosenberg MW, Parsons R, Chin L, DePinho RA
Genetic analysis of Pten and Ink4a/Arf interactions in the suppression of tumorigenesis in mice.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2002

Bardeesy N, Bastian BC, Hezel A, Pinkel D, DePinho RA, Chin L
Dual inactivation of RB and p53 pathways in RAS-induced melanomas.
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2001

Bastian BC, LeBoit PE, Pinkel D
Mutations and copy number increase of HRAS in Spitz nevi with distinctive histopathological features.
The American Journal of Pathology, 2000

Bastian BC, Kashani-Sabet M, Hamm H, Godfrey T, Moore DH, Bröcker EB, LeBoit PE, Pinkel D
Gene amplifications characterize acral melanoma and permit the detection of occult tumor cells in the surrounding skin.
Cancer Research, 2000

Bastian BC, Wesselmann U, Pinkel D, Leboit PE
Molecular cytogenetic analysis of Spitz nevi shows clear differences to melanoma.
The Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1999

Bastian BC, LeBoit PE, Hamm H, Bröcker EB, Pinkel D
Chromosomal gains and losses in primary cutaneous melanomas detected by comparative genomic hybridization.
Cancer Research, 1998